Exhibition at Children’s Museum
These items were produced for a traveling exhibition on the human body, which encourages learning through interaction and discovery, sponsored by a science museum. The target audience were children from 5 to 8 years of age with different socioeconomic or educational backgrounds.
The main requirements were: to be easily transported; to be of size, shape, weight, and with mechanisms or materials etc. that ensure the structure’s stability and the children’s safety; to prevent unforeseen use by children, avoiding accidents; to resist to actions by the weather, as it may also be assembled outdoors.
The Human Body Totem represents a girl, her muscular, nervous and skeletal systems. A post card with the same illustrations of the human body’s systems can be taken home, and serves as material for further learning and entertainment activities.
This Inflatable Nose is a giant tunnel (3 m long, 2.5 m wide, and 1.8 m high), which the children can enter. Its inside has strings representing hairs, plasticine representing secretions, and uneven walls that simulate the nasal septum, and encourage the children to explore it through their senses. From the outside, it resembles an illustrated character's nose shape, more playful and less realistic, with vivid colors.
Museu da Vida - Fiocruz | Brazil | 2011 - 2013